We are all in this together

Pine Winds Connections Projects

Currently active projects

Resources for Veterans, Military, and Their Families
FacesOfCombat.us website: list of free resources
Facebook/Faces of Combat: news and new resources

Faces of Combat book donations
Veterans Justice Outreach Program Click to Donate on GoFundMe Now!
Vets 4 Vets Cheney Stadium event
Department of Veterans Affairs Summit

Writing for Wellness classes
Writing for Wellness class information
Handbooks for starting Writing for Wellness classes in community and Christian centers

Faces of Combat and Brain Injury Rewiring book donations
Vet Centers for the whole United States
VFW state chapters

Writing for Strength
Classes for military personnel at Camp Pendleton

Dental First Aid book donations
Washington Army National Guard family programs
Operation Home Front
King and Pierce County food banks
Salvation Army and Union Gospel Mission
and other programs