Tag Archives: neighborhood

Tips on how to handle difficult people

In this blog post, I will give you a few techniques for dealing with difficult people. I have gotten a few of my tips from this link. I have found it to be very helpful lately. http://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinkruse/2013/06/25/dealing-with-difficult-people/#1fe5e0216329

Some people will try to drag you down. It may be difficult to avoid this type of person especially if they mean a lot to you. If someone is trying to bring you down, don’t tune them out. If they think that you aren’t listening to them, they will try to be more forceful with their argument or rant. Try to put yourself in their shoes. If you can think like them, you might be able to understand what is upsetting them and help them out. Continue reading

Hello world!

image006Welcome to Pine Winds Connections! We are really happy that you came by to visit. If this is your first time, you should know that Pine Winds Connection is a non-profit corporation that is dedicated to promoting positive, healthy connections between individuals, between groups of people, and between and within communities. Our goal is a more beautiful, united planet.

Initially, Pine Winds Connections took over some activities that were being done by Idyll Arbor, Inc. These included the donation of books on dental care (Dental First Aid for Families) to families in the military and families receiving assistance at food banks in King County, Washington. Idyll Arbor had also donated books discussing PTSD and TBI (Faces of Combat, PTSD and TBI) to all the Vet Centers in the United States as well as to every state VFW headquarters in the country and overseas. Today, Pine Winds Connections will donate this same book to Veteran’s Courts throughout the US and to veterans at the four or so veteran’s events held in Western Washington each year. As we continue to grow, we hope to expand our presence at veteran events to include the rest of the country.

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